association projects



WHAT IS THE DATA PROJECT? Initiated in 2022, the NMBHPA's Data Project, funded by the New Mexico Human Services Department (HSD) Behavioral Health Services Division. It is a 5-year project which seeks to establish a standardized set of behavioral health outcome metrics that will pave the way for an alternative payment model that recognizes and rewards the value of exceptional behavioral health services. This project will help to shape a healthcare landscape that prioritizes quality, patient outcomes, and the well-being of our community.

VALUE-BASED PAYMENT: The Data Project focuses on instigating systemic changes. A pivotal aspect of this is the transition from the conventional fee-for-service model to a pay-for-performance structure. By aligning reimbursement with care quality and patient outcomes, the project aims to revolutionize the way behavioral health services are delivered and compensated.

The Data Project is an opportunity for New Mexico's behavioral health providers to influence the development of behavioral health data measures that go beyond the limitations of traditional metrics. Unlike standard measures derived from physical health, such as HEDIS, the provider-informed measures of the Data Project are tailored specifically to impact areas within behavioral health. This emphasis on provider-informed metrics is an important step towards building a value-based payment model.

In its pilot year, the Data Project was made possible by the participation of 10 provider agencies. Now in its second year of implementation, 25 agencies across New Mexico have joined in the effort.

For more information on the data project, email Sara Cordova at

“NMBHPA has provided me a network of fellow providers throughout New Mexico who have an insurmountable amount of knowledge in the world of NM Behavioral Health. It is beyond helpful to be able to present ideas and brainstorm with such a variety of providers.” Molly Chavez

"Being a member of NMBHPA has truly been a transformative experience. The collaborative environment and commitment to mental health advocacy are unparalleled. Through NMBHPA, I've gained valuable insights, resources, and connections that have enhanced my ability to support individuals with behavioral health needs. I'm grateful to be part of such a dynamic community dedicated to improving mental health outcomes in New Mexico." – Devan Manilla

The NMBHPA keeps our agency updated on important legislative and policy changes. Throughout the year, team members from different departments in our organization participate in the biweekly meetings to ask questions and share ideas. We appreciate the chance to learn about different programs and client populations and enjoy networking with industry professionals throughout the state. The NMBHPA provides us with a strong voice in the NM Legislature as well as with the Managed Care Organizations and NM BHSD. In addition, membership offers ample opportunities for our team to contribute to advancing the profession and to assume leadership roles in behavioral health initiatives. – Katharine Spehar, SHRM-SCP